Proposed Objective for Culture in New National Planning Framework
National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) is a long-term plan for Scotland that sets out where development and infrastructure is needed to support sustainable and inclusive growth.
Between January and April 2020 the Government held an open call for ideas on NPF4 and hosted consultation events.
Those involved with Culture Counts will know of our collaborations on NPF4 back in January & February 2020. Including written responses, and attendance at Government consultation events. All the work back then has been a major factor in highlighting the value of planning for culture.
In the Scottish Government analysis of responses to their consultation, a new proposal shows that drafters are keen to see Culture and the arts as a key objective of NPF4.
The proposed key objective is: “To recognise and support the contribution of cultural activities to individual, community and national wellbeing and prosperity, including the protection of existing culture and live music venues by ensuring that applications for new developments include sufficient measures to mitigate, minimise or manage any noise so that existing users do not have restrictions placed on them as a result of development permitted after they were established.”
“Proposed key objective of NPF4: To recognise and support the contribution of cultural activities to individual, community and national wellbeing and prosperity”
The full government document is available online. Pages 26 & 27 detail the analysis of responses relating to arts and culture. You can also read the Historic Environment analysis on page 132.
Huge thanks to our members and collaborators who helped get culture recognised at this stage of the new national planning framework’s development.
What Happens Next?
Updates on the NPF4 development process can be found on the Government’s Transforming Planning webite.
Original plans have been disrupted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. In autumn 2020, the Government will publish an interim NPF4 position statement. The position statement will set out an overview of the key challenges, opportunities and potential policy changes for NPF4.
In Autumn 2021, the Government will lay a draft NPF4 in the Scottish Parliament. A final version of NPF4 is anticipated in spring 2022.
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